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INDIA: Online portals to boost rural services

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INDIA: Online portals to boost rural services

The Indian State of West Bengal has launched eight public service portals for the benefit of the people living in rural areas.

Minister of Rural Development, Becharam Manna said the Government wanted to bring transparency and speed to its services.

“My Department revamped its website, launched a 24/7 Panchayat (village council) Public Grievance Redressal System, portals for online building plan approval and online booking of guest houses in rural areas to boost tourism, Mr Manna said.

“We have also launched a single-window portal for getting reports about the progress of various rural projects, and a portal to monitor the status of court cases pending with the Department.”

Meanwhile, India’s Public sector banks are gradually adapting to the Enhanced Access and Service Excellence (EASE) program, driven by the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA), which puts a stress on data analytics, automation and digitisation.

As part of the EASE 4.0 reforms, State-owned banks were asked to focus on digital lending, co-lending with non-banking firms, agricultural financing and technological resilience for 24/7 banking.

EASE aims to foster new-age reforms in public sector banks to improve profitability, asset quality, customer service and digital capabilities.

Minister for Finance, Nirmala Sitharaman said the fourth edition of the EASE program was focused on technology-enabled simplified and collaborative banking.

“The agenda for the fifth edition of EASE was unveiled earlier this year and will continue to focus on driving an enhanced digital experience along with data-driven, integrated, and inclusive banking across all banks,” Ms Sitharaman (pictured) said.

New Delhi, 20 September 2022

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