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Pace of New Rural Vaccinations Remains Flat for Last Two Months

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For the second month in a row, the rural vaccination rate has grown by less than half a percentage point, according to a Daily Yonder analysis of federal and state data.

The percent of total rural population that has completed a Covid-19 vaccination grew by 0.4 percentage points from the last week of April to the last week of May. The rate grew by about that same amount from March to April.

The pace of new vaccinations has slowed in both rural and metropolitan counties over the past several months. From December 2021 to January 2022, the rural vaccination rate grew by nearly 1.7 percentage points and the metropolitan rate grew by 2.2 points.

As of May 26, 51% of the total rural population was completely vaccinated against Covid-19. In metropolitan counties, that rate is 65.4%.

The percent of the rural population that has received at least one booster dose of Covid-19 vaccine is 23.2%, compared to the metropolitan rate of 30.7%.

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